Two 14-year-olds arrested after man stabbed to death

Two 14-year-old boys have been arrested after a man was stabbed to death.

James Markham was attacked after confronting a group of young people in Chingford, northeast London, on Monday night.

The 45-year-old was found by police officers having suffered serious injuries – and despite treatment from paramedics, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

A post-mortem examination confirmed he died of a stab wound to the lung.

The Metropolitan Police said one 14-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder, while another was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.

Both remain in custody at an east London police station.

Detective Inspector John Marriott, of the Met’s specialist crime command, said: “We believe that James confronted a group of youths causing a disturbance and was stabbed as a result.

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“The brutality of this response is beyond shocking and our thoughts are with James’ family who have been left devastated by their loss.”

He also said that there were a number of people present at the time of the murder and urged them to come forward.

“I also believe there will be parents who know that their child was there, or was involved. I am appealing for them to do the sensible thing and get in touch with us”, DI Marriott added.

Former Conservative leader and MP for Chingford and Woodford Green, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, visited the scene with the force’s borough commander.

He tweeted afterwards: “A dedicated team of officers are working to piece together what happened that led to this man losing his life.

“The thoughts of all of us are with his family and friends as they come to terms with their loss. I would like to thank officers, paramedics, and members of the public who helped.”

Anyone who has any information in relation to the incident should call the police on 101 giving the reference 5735/09AUG.